Emergency Sewage Clean Up in San Francisco

Clogged toilet or sink causes immediate and lasting discomfort to the whole family. This is an emergency situation that requires urgent action. Even modern engineering solutions can not protect drains from the negative effects of continuous deposition in the pipes that gradually reduced their capacity and eventually clog them completely, leading owners to need emergency sewage clean up in San Francisco.

When you have plugged ducts, you need professionals to deal quickly and competently with the problem. There is no way to cope with the problem without professional help!

Here are some useful tips on how to prevent sewage clogging:

To obviate any need to frequently use the services drain is necessary to observe some rules.

  1. Do not throw in the sewers (toilet) wipes. They do not decompose and cause permanent blockage after imposing emergency drain.
  2. Place the strainer in the kitchen sink – do not throw food waste into drains. This is a common mistake and having to use the services for emergency drain.
  3. Be careful with toilet freshener (soap) not to fall into the toilet. Do not run the water and try to remove the object.

Some of the troubles associated with clogged drains:

  • The most unpleasant situation for a household, it is the drain of waste water due to clogging. This is not only an unpleasant but a serious problem and it is necessary to look for emergency sewage clean up in San Francisco for plumbing and in particular drain and manholes.
  • When problems occur at the most inopportune moment – at night, on weekends and public holidays and no hand phone of a company that you know works. To avoid this case, you can record the phone numbers of professional cleaning companies, offering this service.

Cleaning and unclogging is performed by a mechanical process that uses specialized equipment. Emergency sewage clean up companies in San Francisco use high powerful machine with metal spirals, which can effectively perform emergency sewage disposal, even the most remote locations where space is limited and inaccessible. This equipment not only removes the obstacle, but also remove deposits on the inner surfaces of pipes. This means that the emergency services solve your problems for a longer period of time.

Character of Wastewater Pollution

The wastewater contamination can be of different origin. The following types of pollution that can be present in wastewater:

  • Mineral pollution – This type of contamination includes all types of impurities that have an inorganic origin. These may be ground particles, various salts and other inorganic chemical compounds.
  • Organic – Organic impurities include effluents, which contain residues of plant and animal origin. To the same group of impurities include pollution, which includes various organic chemical compounds, including polymeric ones.
  • Biological -To the category of biological pollution include the content of various microorganisms in wastewater, for which wastewater is a nutrient medium.

Ways of Sewage Water Treatment

There are three ways:

  • Biological treatment of sewage water;
  • Physical-mechanical;
  • Mechanical wastewater treatment;

Let’s start with the mechanical wastewater treatment method. It is intended for the isolation of coarse-dispersed substances. This is accomplished by filtration, filtering and settling.

Filtering (using different grids and different sieves) of sewage is necessary for the retention of suspended solids and large-scale contamination. The method of settling is used to extract these substances. Light particles (in comparison with water) float to the surface, and heavy particles settle in the form of sediment to the bottom.

Slurries of mineral origin are usually isolated from sewage by precipitation in special ponds, called sand catchers. With the help of catchers and traps (for example, oil separators and grease trap), light substances (for example, fats, oil, resins, etc.) are removed, popping up when standing on the surface.

But wastewater, the purification of which occurs by filtration, is most often industrial wastewater.

Now let’s proceed to the second method. In this case, coagulants and flocculants (reagent substances) are introduced into the waste water for purification. These substances, having entered into a chemical reaction with impurities, promote the release of not dissolved impurities from water, reducing their concentration in industrial or domestic sewage. In addition, the reagents can convert the soluble impurities into insoluble impurities and can, by neutralizing the effluents, change their reaction.

Experts believe that the physical-mechanical method can provide an incredibly deep cleaning. It is even considered an alternative to the biological method.

Biological purification – this method is also good for purification of urban sewage drains, and for sewage treatment of cottages and private houses. The essence of bio-purification is the vital activity of microorganisms. The fact is that in the drains there are substances in the form of fine suspensions. They can be in the form of colloids or exist in a dissolved form. Such substances are a nutrient material for special microorganisms that are launched into drains. Microorganisms, absorbing impurities, automatically purify the sewage.

If there is toilet overflow or sewer back up, you need immediately to contact emergency sewage clean up in San Francisco. The wastewater can be quite dangerous for your health and you should avoid any contact with it. The experts will inspect your home and will determine the right method of action.

You should know that contaminated water can be three categories. If the water comes from a broken water supply, then we are talking about clean water. Although this category of water is not dangerous, if you leave the problem unsolved, this water can turn to category 2 or 3. It depends on how much time you wasted not taking care for the problem, also the temperature and the possible contact with surrounding contaminants.

In the second category contaminated water comes from washing machine overflow; toilet overflow with some urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow. It may contain bacteria that can make you sick. Again, if you don’t pay attention to this problem, it can turn to category 3.

The third category contaminated water is also called “black water”. It comes from water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth. Any contact with such water should be avoided. It may contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes – a real danger for your health.