Mold Removal in Commercial Buildings
Mold removal in commercial buildings, creation of permissible (especially optimal) conditions for the microclimate in the commercial buildings is not a cheap business; it requires considerable financial costs for the employer. For this reason, many employers neglect sanitation rules and do not create proper working conditions (and some do it simply because of disregard for employees). On the other hand, the employees themselves often contribute to the emergence of such situations, afraid to tell the leadership of the intolerable conditions in the workplace, violations of labor protection rules.
Nevertheless, if the employer does not provide acceptable conditions for the microclimate, employees have many opportunities to influence such an unfair employer and protect their right to work in healthy and safe conditions. In fact, an employee, having notified the employer or his immediate supervisor or other representative of the employer in writing, may refuse to perform work that directly threatens his life and health. At the time of refusal from such work, the employee retains all the rights provided for by labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms. And the employer or his representatives have no right to prevent workers from exercising their self-defense of labor rights. This is a legal right of the employee in many countries around the world.
Mold removal in commercial buildings is very important to be done quickly because the prolonged stay in molded rooms leads to breathing problems, irritation of the throat, nose, eyes and skin, gastrointestinal problems, headaches. Toxins and mold spores provoke asthma attacks in asthmatics and may cause an allergic reaction to pollen and animal fur allergies. The allergic reaction can develop immediately or after a longer period of time in a molded room. Symptoms include sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, redness of the eyes, tearing, and conjunctivitis. Contact with mold may also cause skin rashes. Sufferers of sinusitis and other respiratory diseases also experience heavier to date with mold spores. The mold can also lead to infectious and toxic conditions accompanied by fever and digestive problems, and protect their right to work in safe and safe conditions.
There are three types of harmful health effects caused by mold: allergies, infections and toxic conditions. The most common health problems associated with exposure to moisture and mold include allergic reactions similar to those caused by pollen or animal-related allergies. Symptoms include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, eye irritation, fatigue, asthenia, rash, and so on.
According to the World Health Organization, nearly 60% of the problems caused by air quality as well as allergies can be associated with mold. Some researchers say these rates are much higher and reach 80%.
When mold appears in your office, it is desirable to take the quickest way to remove the causes that lead to its development rather than to take measures only to restore the aesthetic appearance of the office space.
If the presence of poisonous mold in your office is localized then it must be immediately cleared. Do not try to remove the mold yourself, but seek professional help for mold removal in commercial buildings.
The mold affects human’s body in several ways:
Allergies: The reactions in this case may be different. Especially rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and even a severe form of bronchial asthma occur.
Poisoning: it is also possible. Because of high toxin production, poisoning can easily occur. Penetration occurs mainly through the gastrointestinal tract.
Direct infections: In this particular case, mold increases inside the human body. Exemplary sites for their distribution are the alveoli and the nasal cavity.
More affected are people who have poor immunity, those who are prone to more serious illnesses, and also children. As you can see, the mold is far from harmless.
People react differently to the presence of mold in the room. Some may live in a house affected by mold for several decades, while others may experience discomfort as they enter a mold room. The harmful effects are caused by the spores released into the air as well as by the mold released by biologically active substances such as myco toxins.
What are the main factors for mold formation? It has been found that mold appears in confined spaces with increased humidity and stagnant air. The smell of spitting and sweating of the windows is the first sign that there are mold conditions in the room. In fact, the mold is a form of fungus that reproduces through the formation of small microscopic cells (spores) that spread through the air. In the presence of excessive moisture in the room, mold always starts to develop. His spores are beginning to grow and eat with her. At 90% humidity the spores of some molds can germinate in just two days.
In rooms with high humidity, usually there is not one but three or more mold types are developing simultaneously. The most common are Penicillium (96%), Cladosporium (89%), Ulocladium (62%), Geomyces pannorum (57%) and Sistronema brinkmannii (51%).
Having all this information in mind, we must be very careful about the presence of mold at home or in the office. To prevent condense and mold in our office, we must remove the factors that cause them, namely the high humidity of the air and the cold surfaces. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises – at least 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes, with the windows to be wide open. This will not only reduce humidity but will also refresh it.
Our efforts against mold formation must be mainly focused on impacts on the factor – humidity. Most importantly, we should not let the relative air humidity in our dwelling exceed 75%. The best humidity level is below 65%. We should never place furniture tightly against outside walls because we may not know when a dangerous mold has formed.